Relationships and Health Education

At St Mary's, we are proud of our Relationships and Health Education Programme & see it as an important way of helping children to make sense of growing up as well as some of the bigger questions in life. The feedback from parents & carers over the years has always been extremely positive with them seeing it as very informative for their children as well as a fantastic starting point for what can sometimes be a very difficult conversation at home.

Whilst some elements of the programme may be taught throughout the year as part of Science curriculum (particularly Y2 & Y5 in the ‘Animals Including Humans’ and Y6 in their ‘Evolution & Inheritance’ topics) most of it will be taught during the spring term as part of our Personal, Social, Health & Emotional (PSHE) curriculum. As part of this work, we cover the various ‘life processes’ (MRS NERG) for both animals & humans but will have a particular focus on relationships, healthy living & growing up.

Please be assured that, as always, the topic will be covered with great sensitivity & provide opportunity for children to reflect, ask questions & to discuss their views on this vital aspect of life & learning.

Parents & carers will be informed of planned Relationships and Health sessions in curriculum news information sheets on a termly basis.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from parts of the sessions, except those elements taught as part of the National  Curriculum Science or those that are based around relationships. 

Any parent wishing to discuss this aspect of the curriculum in more detail should contact the Head of School for more information.

Please click the document below to download our Relationships and Health Education Policy:

Relationships and Health Education Policy

To find out what is covered in year year group, please read out the Growing up at St Mary's Document:

Growing up at St Mary's


The Government has published guidance for parents about the Relationships and Health Education curriculum- please click to view:

English guide for parents

Arabic guide for parents

Urdu guide for parents

Somali guide for parents